Goldstrike 48031 Shock & Awe 2.0 Goldwing LED Lighting Kit is programmable for color, flash and pattern modes.

Racing mode to track your speed.

Music and microphone integration.

Camera integration to capture custom colors.

Smart brake function makes your light kit turn red when brakes are applied and with the Ciro Bluetooth app you are able to choose from a million colors to find the perfect match for your bike.

Multiple lighting options included: Flashing, Breathing, Constant.

Lighting kit includes detailed placement instructions and plug-n-play wiring to make installation a breeze.


Shock & Awe 2.0 Bluetooth controller

(15) Shock & Awe 3" LED light strips

(9) Shock & Awe Y-Splitters

(9) 22" wire extensions

(2) 8" Wire extensions

Zip Ties

Zip tie mounts

Installation Instructions

Tailored to the 2018-2025 Goldwing but compatible with any 12-volt source

Goldstrike Shock and Awe LED Light Kit

  • Goldstrike Parts
  • Brand: Goldstrike
  • Part Number: 48031
  • Availability: In Stock, Ships in 1-2 days

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